Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Memory Verse for the week: Ephesians 5:21 "Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God."

I believe that one thing that makes many of the modern cults so appealing is their focus on helping homes be put right. NOT THAT THEY WILL or even can help with their teaching of error, but that is the way they advertise. People are so hurting in the family that they cannot ignore these enticements. We love our family, whether we get along with them or not. Our family can be one of the biggest attractions to Christ that there is. Let's find out what the book of Ephesians says about a Christ-centered home. Let us also ask God to work in our own marriages and families in such a way that we become much more attractive than the cults! AMEN and AMEN!

1. The KEYNOTES for our homes are SUBMISSION and REVERENCE FOR GOD; Ephesians 5:21
2. Cooperating with God's order is never demeaning; Eph. 5:22-24
3. Love as Christ loved the church; Eph.5:25-31
4. Children must learn obedience; Eph. 6:1-3
5. Dad's take a major role in your children's training; Eph. 6:4

* A home that witnesses for Christ is a home that starts with God, and is built around that basic relationship.
* The Biblical view of a wife and a husband, two for each other for life, must be followed in the Christian ranks.
* Loving our wives goes beyond the bedroom. . .way beyond into the level of self-sacrifice and service.
* Submission, ladies, means a willingness to allow God to control your life and to lead your husband in the way you should go as a family. It does not mean disobeying God for anyone. The best word on this is found in 1 Peter 3.
* Teaching our children obedience is teaching them to live in the fear of God which is the basis for their success in life. It forms the foundation for their happy homes.
* Living a Spirit-filled life shows up in the home.

Often in our Christian lives we learn the truths and even their applications, but fail to do anything about it. This third part of our lesson will provide steps of action for us to implement the doctrines we have learned this morning.
- ACTION STEP ONE: Examine your own life, and then inquire of your spouse or children as to what their relationship is with God. Not only saved, but walking in the fear of God and submitted to His plan and will for their lives.
- ACTION STEP THREE: Fellowship with other families who also love the Lord Jesus Christ so much it shows, it is obvious in the way they live.

Prayer Request:
Terry, heart condition
Brandi, spiritual needs, in the hospital too
Tammy's parents traveling and singing. . .PTL!
Mothers on this Mother's Day weekend and in the days ahead
Tammy will be singing for a wedding, May 23 in Atlanta
School year coming to an end.
Australian men as they travel here for the Singing School in July.
Church outreach and Saturday Class Outreach

Distributing fliers in our neighborhoods this Saturday. Meet at the church at 10. Come and join us! Prayer and a challenge at 10:00 AM. If you are unable to go out, we can also use some help in calling people on the phone or simply in praying for those who do go. There is something for everyone.

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