Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Thank God for Abraham!

We did have a good class last weekend. A couple of folks were sick and we have been praying for them to get to feeling better, but our study encouraged me as I hope it did for everyone who was there.

Be praying for:
- Parents who are having health issues; David's dad, Suzanne's mother, Terry and Mary's fathers, Spence's mom, my dad and mom
- Francis' brother and his dairy farm in southern MS
- Outreach efforts throughout the week
- Terry has been sick
- Tammy was sick Sunday, too
- Church families
- Families who have been visiting the church
- Financial needs. . .lots of folks going through some tough times right now and this affects the church, too
- Missionaries during this time of the holidays
- The Lord to work in our hearts and through our lives to touch others
- Always be in prayer for pastors and church workers and show them how much you do care about them and are thankful for them during these holidays. God has blessed us through their lives.
- I am trying to line up summer missionary work for us. Pray with me about this.
- Always be praying for our youth as well. . .many temptations and decisions they are making

Special thanks to Mrs. Francis who has been bringing our treats and providing our coffee each week.

Next week (NO CLASS THIS WEEK) our study will be from the life of Isaac, Abraham's son. We may even get into Jacob's life and testimony a little bit, too. I hope that your holiday season is blessed and that God gives you opportunities to testify of His working in your life. Ain't it exciting to be able to witness for Him!!

Sunday we are going to have church at 10:30 in the morning. Our Harvest Sunday is a great time to invite guests. Also don't forget that we will be having a dinner afterward. Bring some dishes to help feed the crowd. Save your best pie recipe for the next Sunday night PIE COMPETITION. Our judges are probably going to be hungry. :-)

Have a wonderful week serving the Lord! Keep in touch!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Praising the Lord!!

Many blessings to recount this morning! And I hope your day is going well, too. Yesterday's class blessed me, even though I couldn't get the monitor going with the computer. We nearly had a room full! We had visitors that we knew not of :-). Folks were in town for a soccer tournament and dropped in. Several visitors came at the invite of class members. God blessed my heart during each service, too. It is great to see the Lord working. Had some visitors at church who returned from last week. PTL! God is still on the throne, and is not fixin' to vacate any time soon.

We can still squeeze some more into our classroom. It did get kind of warm in there, but we will survive.

Be praying for those who were mentioned during our prayer time Sunday. Especially all of our parents who are getting older and facing health issues. Pray that the Lord will enable us to be an encouragement to them as they have been a blessing to us throughout our lives. Also pray for Harold, Francis' brother, and the difficulties he is facing as a dairy farmer. Other people are needing jobs or are looking for better jobs. Keep each of our church families in your prayers as the devil would love to divide and destroy from within. James says, "Draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you." So let's all focus on getting as close to the Lord as we possibly can. Maintain the prayers for all of our recently elected governmental officials. Pray as well for the Haas family, Brother Tom has to do some medical tests in the near future for work purposes. He also is recovering from being attacked last week while down in Hattiesburg.

Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. I am very thankful for the wonderful grace God extends to us and also for His abundant mercy. I am thankful that there is hope for our children in the tough times in which we live. It is also good to know that even though we might not see an immediate victory, when we serve the Lord victory is coming. Our Bible study for next week comes from the life of Abraham, Father of the faithful. You can read ahead by checking out Genesis 12 - 22.

Pray for our outreach efforts this week, and lend a hand where you can. God bless you all and have a wonderful, godly week!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


:-) We moved back into our old Sunday School room and it was new. Thanks to all who took part in the painting this past week. We had a lot of help. Now we just need everyone to get back in the saddle of Sunday morning Bible study. You will be blessed if you do.

Currently we are studying the lives of the Hebrews 11 patriarchs. First was Abel and his faithful worship. Last week we looked at Enoch and his faithful walk. Noah is next! He was faithful in his work.

Speaking of being faithful in our work, let's be faithful this work in passing out tracts and speaking to people about their souls. I have been blessed these past couple of weeks by those who have joined me in trying to reach out for the Lord. It ain't easy all of the time, but the fruit is great. Spence Brandon and I have been visiting on Wednesday evenings. Tom Haas, myself, and our boys went out Saturday, too. If you would like to join us, please let me know. Tammy and Brenda are working on some brochures for our Bible Study class that we can begin to pass out this week. Also, many are praying each day, and prayer makes the difference.

Did I mention that it ain't going to be easy? Whenever anybody decides to get in with the program God has given us in Matthew 28:19-20, there is always a struggle. Often from the weirdest places, the places you would least expect it to come from. What shall we do? Give it up and head for the hills? NO! Let us go on and do what the Lord has given us to do. Pray for them that bring the opposition. Overcome evil with good. We are in a battle, but God has provided armor and a weapon for our use. Praise His wonderful name!

Don't forget the Men's prayer meeting Tuesday night. Our prayer list should also include a special unspoken request from our family, too.

Love ya'll!
See ya Sunday morning.

Brother Mike