Monday, March 8, 2010

Good Time Yesterday!!!

Yesterday was a great day in our Sunday School class. A soccer tournament brought in Teresa from Columbus along with her daughter Justine. They fit right in and I hope that they felt at home. It was also good to have David ans Suzanne back after a couple of weekends on the road and visiting family.

Remember this week to pray for each other: wisdom, revelation, and experiential knowledge of our Lord and His Word is what all of us need. Also be reading the book of Ephesians for preparation for next Sunday.

PRAY - lots of people for whom to pray
* pray for the family of the young lady who passed away with the H1N1 virus that Teresa mentioned (four little ones without a Mama, and a dad without his wife)
* pray for Frances as she returns to us this week, safety on the road
* pray for upcoming events. . .especially for the Prophecy Conference coming with Brother Kelly
* pray for Brandi. . .she has left town and needs the Lord to get her attention
* pray for our church ministries and personnel
* pray for new R U workers and outreach
* pray as we make the switch to the online version of Switched On Schoolhouse later this week
* pray for one another

Stop and take a lot of time to praise the Lord as well. He is certainly worthy of all of our praise.

We are sending out invitations to several prospects from our RU program so they will know about our Sunday School. It would be great to be able to round up some new people that can be added to our class, and join us in Bible study, prayer, and fellowship.

CLASS FELLOWSHIP & COOK-OUT is coming up in the early part of May. More details to come!

Y'all have a wonderful week serving the Lord and let's work at doubling our contacts for visitors to our class this week. God bless!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Ok, there is no cause for excitement except that spring is around the corner! SOon the flowers will be budding and blooming. Bees will be buzzing around and doing their jobs. People will be able to be out and about. AND, outreach will be easier on us in the warmer weather.

Several events are coming up:
Ladies' Meeting - March 27 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Youth Rally - April 10th here at Wildwood
Prophecy Conference - April 11-14 with Brother Dave Kelly
Class Outreach Project - April 17th 10:00 AM
R U starting back up - first Friday in April
Next class PARTY - May 15 (tentatively) Cookout and fellowship

That is a lot of stuff that is looking at us in the next few weeks. Try to make each one and get a blessing for you and your family.

Our class study has been in Ephesians 1 for the last couple of weeks. We will be studying Paul's prayer in this chapter Sunday morning and invite all to join us.

Be in prayer for each other, for various church ministries, and for revival in our hearts. Why is it so easy to get complacent? Just to get to a place where we don't care enough probably damages more churches and people's lives than we can realize! Ask God to touch your heart and make it tender again for His sake. Pray for Francis as she travels down to south MS this weekend. Pray for workers for our Reformer's Unanimous ministry. Pray for our parents' health and strength. Pray for Heritage Academy - enrollment and plans for the Fall. Pray for your pastors and teachers as we seek to enroll others in service for the Lord. There are many service opportunities and not nearly enough workers. Those who are helping get tired and sometimes get crossways. Ask God to grant a spirit of refreshing and cooperation as we seek to build a team to serve Him here in Tupelo.

Love ya! I am praying for you this week.

P.S. Special activity this Sunday morning, so be in your place and ready. :-)