Monday, August 31, 2009

I'm Back!

Greetings! It has been too long since I have posted something on the wall for our Sunday Bible Study. . . which has been perking along by the way.

I would like everyone to know Jesus Christ and to walk with Him on a daily basis. This is the purpose of our Bible Study. Yes, we enjoy fellowship. Yes, we like to pick on Brother Mike. Yes, we do enjoy the donuts and the coffee. MOST OF ALL, I want you to know the Lord Jesus Christ as your own personal Savior. Once you know Him, I want you to learn to fellowship with Him. . .earthly fellowship is good, but not nearly so special as to enjoy being in the presence of the Lord daily. I want you to know how you can share your faith with others.

In line with these goals, we have been doing a little homework for our group. Every day, or as often as we make the time, we are "journalling". With our Bibles and a notebook we are jotting down the ways that God speaks to us and also the prayer needs and burdens of our hearts that we share with the Lord. It is amazing how this little exercise brings a new life to our quiet time with God. Hopefully it will help you to be more faithful and to develop the good habit of making this a priority each day, too. Next Sunday we will be sharing at least one thing. . .an insight or an answer to prayer or something like that. . .from our journals. I hope that you can be here and also that you can help make this a great time of sharing. It is not an exercise in perfection, just a time when we can brag on the Lord.

God is doing several things in the lives of His children as He molds us into the image of Christ. He is teaching us. . .giving us doctrine. He is also showing us the things in our lives where we have made mistakes. He then wants to show us how to make these errors correct. Finally, He wants to teach us how we can stay on the proper path of life. In these ways, the Word of God works in our lives. Our sharing may include one of these aspects of God's working in our lives.

Mrs. Francis will be traveling this weekend.
Tammy's due-date is getting closer each day.
Keep praying for our parents who are struggling with health issues.
Pray for revival in America and in our own personal Christian lives.
Pray that souls will be saved.
Pray for our revival meetings coming up.
Confess your own sins and failures to God.
Spend some time just thanking God for Who He is.
Keep Brandi in prayer as she is in her new job now.
Lift up the various ministries of the church for His leadership and blessings.

HAVE AN AWESOME WEEK! I am praying for you. Let's be faithful to our Lord.