Monday, June 22, 2009

After the Threats

Yesterday we pursued our study in Acts by looking at the response to the initial persecution from the Jewish Council. Sometimes we receive opposition to our Christian faith. In fact, it seems like being tolerant in our society is for everybody and towards everybody except Bible-believing Christians! From all appearances, unless we have a revival of real Christianity in our nation, this intolerance toward Bible believers will increase. Our Bible study proves remarkably relevant.

1. Gain support and strength in corporate worship and cooperation with other believers. Not only do we gain encouragement and spiritual sharpness as we gather to hear the preaching of the Word of God, but we also gain strength as we jointly state our purpose of serving the Lord and as we serve the Lord together.

2. The second response to opposition is PRAYER. Joining together in prayer with other Christians builds unity and puts everything in perspective. Ask God to demonstrate His power and enliven your witness.

3. Maintain faithfulness in the basic areas of Christian living. In our chapter we find the disciples demonstrating love for one another by giving sacrificially to the needs to others. The early church at Jerusalem contained a large number of "displaced persons". Many had come for the Feasts and then stayed. Some had experienced "shunning" from family, and were in real need of financial support. Even in the midst of persecution, the disciples did not become introverted and self-centered.

Let's be sure to include these steps in our response to opposition to our expressions of faith.

Terry's dad and mom. . .health needs.
Spence's mother is recovering from surgery.
Tammy - expecting :-)
Larry and Ginger are traveling in New Zealand.
Summer school for the next six weeks as well as enrollment for the fall.
Church ministries;
Those who are looking for work or needing jobs;
Sonya Haas is having trouble with a nerve causing her pain.
Tom goes for a Dr.'s visit Monday.
Pray for each other!

Let's invite someone to join us this next week.

Love Y'all,
Brother Mike

Monday, June 15, 2009

Good Discussion

I hope you are having a good week this week. Yesterday our Bible study in Acts focused on chapter 4. This chapter tells of Peter and John's examination before the Council. They were pressured to stop talking about Jesus, but this type of persecution would not stop them or any other Spirit-filled Christian. A holy boldness had been given unto them. Let's ask God to give us this same boldness in our witness for Him today.

Next week we will finish up the study of Acts 4 and the prayer meeting that was held. We may even get into the next chapter.

Be praying for Harold and Joanne, Francis' brother and sister-in-law.
Keep praying for Tammy's cousin who has cancer.
Pray for David who is traveling abroad in Morocco.
Pray for one another.
Pray for the ministries of the church, Sunday School, Reformer's Unanimous, Heritage Academy, and our other outreach ministries.
This week is the service at Avon Lea Retirement Village. Pray for the group that goes to minister, as well as those who will be going to the Cedar's Nursing Home service on Saturday.
Pray for Spence's mother who is recuperating from surgery last week.
Pray for Larry and Ginger Sauvageot who are traveling in New Zealand.
Pray for the Youth ministry on Wednesday night.

Bless you all this week! I do look forward to the upcoming weekend as we continue to study the wonderful Book of Acts.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Looking Forward to Sunday!

David said, "I was glad when they said unto me. . ." He was excited about the days of worship. We should be, too. This weekend is exciting to me since we have some good friends coming in from Phoenix, AZ. It will be nice having some time with them as they pass through the area. It is always good to be with our class members and church family. I like to pick on Brother Terry! :-) Best of all, this Sunday, we can come into the presence of the King of kings and worship Him Who has done so much for us and Who is our Awesome God.

Thanks to Brother Terry for his helping out and presenting the lesson this last Sunday. Here is a brief overview of what he presented.


In the past few weeks we have begun to look at the formation of the church.

Several things to mention:
1. The Great Commission was given - Jesus' Command
2. The promised COmforter was given - Holy Spirit (Pentecost)
3. The promised power was given - Powerful preaching
4. The church given - 3000 saved

J. Vernon McGee says that there are 4 marks of identifying a real church. Clarke says that there are 4 basic truths about a real church.

1. There is sound, Biblical doctrine being taught

They relied on the apostles to teach them more about Jesus. They had believed (2:41), now they wanted to know more (discipleship). he Greek word used here for steadfastly is a verb that communicates "a steadfast and single-minded fidelity to a certain course of action". Paul, in Romans, teaches Biblical doctrine: Sin, Salvation, Justification, Sanctification, and Glorification. (Who we are without Christ, how to be saved, how to live our life, and the rewards of living such a life.)

Major doctrines discussed:

2. There is genuine fellowship

"koinonia" - association, communion, fellowship and participation; to share in something.

As Christians we share the same Lord Jesus; the same Guide for life, the Bible; love for God; desire to worship Him; struggles; victories; job of living for Him; and joy of communicating the Gospel to others.

3. There is a continual remembrance of Jesus' sacrifice and love

They wanted to remember what Jesus had done for them, so they partook of the Lord's SUpper on a regular basis. Prior to every Jewish feast or celebration the act of breaking of bread was performed by the master of the house, where he blessed the meal. We do the same thing when we pray prior to enjoying a meal together. (1 Corinthians 11:23-24; Matthew 26:26)

4. There was continual prayer.

Prayer is needed in the individual's life to continue in the faith. What does prayer do? It increases our faith. It brings healing and God answers (James 5:15-18). There is a Biblical way to pray (Philippians 4:6; Matthew 6:5-15).

RESULTS of the actions and prayers of a "real" church:

* Fear in the souls of the unsaved - 2:43

* Those who belived were in one place (common) - 2:44
Acts 3:1 in one time
Acts 2:1 in one accord
Acts 1:15 to meet in one place
This verse has often been misunderstood. Many tink that those Christians sold all they had and lived in a separate commune together. But there were men and women from all over the known world in Jerusalem and they tarried there after they had been saved longer that they had planned. The Greek here indicates that they came together in one place, in one accord, and they sold and shared food, cooking pots, eating utensils, and all of the goods they had so that those who were less fortunate would not starve or sleep in the cold. Benevolence is one of the evidences of a true Christian. (Example - Mrs. Francis bringing coffee and donuts, or a benevolence closet)

1 Corinthians 16:1 refutes the idea of a commune. Collections were ordered to send to the church at Jerusalem.

* They were praising God - 2:46-47a (Hebrews 13:15-16)

* God added to the church daily - 2:47b

Pay close attention to this statement. God added daily, not man. However, ot was because of the Christian's continued thanksgiving, praise, prayer, and obedience to participate in the spreading of the gospel that God added to the church. A church will not grow if the "real" Christians do not share their faith, if they do not have sound doctrinal teachings, and if they do not have a private and personal prayer life.

If we take care to follow the example of Acts 2:42-47a, then God will take care of the church growth.

Church growth is not the pastor's responsibility, but it is the responsibility of all born again believers.

Matthew 28:19-20

Thanks Brother Terry for the good instruction and challenge.

This week we will be moving into chapter 3 in the book of Acts. THE HEALING OF THE LAME MAN. Y'all come and join us, and bring someone with you, too.

Be praying for Mrs. Francis as she travels this week. She is visiting her brother and sister-in-law down at Tylertown, MS. Also pray for the pastor's and their families as they also travel for a graduation in TX. Brother Mike's parents arrived safely in New Zealand and will be preaching there for a month. They send their regards to all of us. Carol Gibson, from West Point, needs prayer. She has a liver disorder and will require a transplant within a period of time. Thank God for visitors and keep praying for His blessing upon all of our services. Ask the Lord for a personal revival and then for a revival among all of the church members. He can certainly use a revived group of believers. We also are praying that God would separate us from wordliness. and thereby sharpen our witness and testimony for Him.

See ya Sunday!