Monday, April 27, 2009


I believe that we had a touch of revival in our church services yesterday and encourage all who might have missed it to get back in the swing of things as far as church attendance goes.

Sunday morning Bible study time was also a blessing to me. We examined the Biblical teaching on separation. Separation is both positive and negative. . .THOU SHALT, and THOU SHALT NOT, in the Bible. Our testimony for Christ and our witness for the Lord require separation from the world's basic principles. These basic principles are found in 1 John 2:15 and are "the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life." From these three "rudiments" come all kinds of temptations for us as believers, and WE MUST BEWARE!

One awesome truth which will help us be overcomers is found in Romans 1:1 and comes in the phrase: "separated unto the gospel of God." It is time to GET CLOSER to God. That does not mean that you should seek some un-Biblical experience or join a monastery. It does mean that instead of neglecting God's house or keeping your kids out of Sunday School you should "kick it up a notch" and get more involved in the things of the Lord and of your local church. You are missing so much and are actually conforming to the world when you cease to get closer to God. We are a greatly privileged group, Christian. We can get as close to God as is possible. Let us draw near.

Be in Prayer:
- boy with leukemia (given by David Cook)
- national leaders
- David Higgins and others in Iraq
- Denny Douglas will be going to Iraq soon
- the father of Columbine students who recently gave a testimony before Congress
- Brandi, that her new job would not be a hindrance to her growing in the Lord
- FREEDOM RALLY coming up May 24th
- Re-enrollment for Heritage Academy is underway
- Tammy's cousin, cancer
- All of our parents for spiritual needs and health concerns both
- Terry, for work, and others who are having hard times financially
- Tammy as she carries the baby
- If you run out of things to pray for, pray for me

DO NOT FORGET THE COOKOUT THIS SATURDAY!!! (call for more details)

Have a wonderful week serving the Lord!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Good Group Sunday!

I am always happy when our class gets involved in serving the Lord. Special thanks to Brother Spence for teaching the children's School class Sunday morning. We also had a good group in our class. Connie, the soccer mom from down around Columbus, was here with the girls again. PTL! Also, thanks to Francis for the donuts and coffee. She takes good care of us each week.

Our study yesterday focused on Nehemiah 9-10 and the covenant that was renewed by God's people. God is a covenant making God, and we also should enter into covenant with Him. Thankfully we live in the days of GRACE. The New Covenant will be our focus for the next lesson as we looked at the Old Testament covenants this past week. I know it will be a blessing to you.


Many of our parents are needing prayer because of physical infirmities.
We are constantly praying for our church missionaries and ministries.
We praise the Lord for Faith Miller's recovery!
Pray for the elected officials in our country and in South Africa (per request from a friend).
Pray for Tammy carrying the baby.
Pray for church folks who are looking for employment.
Pray especially for the FREEDOM RALLY coming up May 24th with Dr. Gene Howard.

I trust that you will have a wonderful week this week as you serve our Lord and Savior.

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Jury is In

We had a good time yesterday in our Sunday Bible Study. Easter is always exciting to me, but we had a good group and a good study. It was time for a little brain-storming and small group work. We divided into two groups and searched for some of the "infallible proofs". After the jury was "out" for a while, we then shared our findings. Great job in discovering these truths of Scripture. It was good for our faith to find out what the Bible says about the resurrection of our Lord.

We need to be in prayer for:
Susanne's mother has a tumor on her kidney and will be going to Birmingham for surgery.
Tammy's cousin has cancer and needs prayer.
Keep praying for David's nephew.
Spence's mother is also still needing prayer, also his aunt who is a caregiver.
Francis' brother Harold and his wife both still need our prayer.
Terry is not feeling well so pray for him.
Tammy - expecting the baby :-)
Brother Larry Sauvageot needing money for truck engine replacement.
Freedom Sunday is coming up. . .next Sunday we are having a planning meeting.

I do pray that you will have a blessed and fruitful week. E-mail me if you have anything to add to the blog or prayer list. God bless!