Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I am so glad for Sunday School. Before you had all of the other discipling ministries, there was Sunday School. And Sunday School has endured. Yes, we do some other things here at Wildwood. We have opportunities for discipleship with RU. We have the most intense discipleship program called Heritage Academy. We have our Men's Prayer Fellowship each month. Sunday School really beats them all as an all-around discipleship program. All-ages, solid Bible teaching, fellowship, etc. in our Sunday School. If you have not been in attendance recently, make the effort to come and be with us at 9:45 this Sunday morning. I believe you will be glad you did.

Our study in the Book of Acts is coming to a close. Hold on to your seat because we are diving right in with another group of lessons that focus on the principles of growing a Sunday School class. These will be a blessing and a help to each of us as we seek to be better witnesses for the Lord in 2010.

1. Chili Cook-off is coming up this Sunday night. We want to work at bringing family and friends to this time of fellowship. It is also an opportunity for lost folks to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.
2. Family Valentine Banquet. (February 13; 6:30 PM) TICKETS are $5.00 per person. Another witnessing opportunity. :-)
3. RU has been on vacation for the last few weeks, but will start back on the first Saturday in February. Others have found this program to be helpful to their Christian growth, and its regimented program might be something that could help you grow as a Christian, too. It starts each night at 7:00 PM. Be in prayer for this ministry.

- Harold and Joanne need special prayer this week for their business situation
- Ray Herndon and family
- Tammy's cousin with cancer
- People in Haiti who need the Lord
- Spence will be taking a test soon at work
- All of our church ministries. . . if you are not involved in serving the Lord through a ministry of Wildwood, pray about where the Lord would have you to serve Him.
- 50 souls to come to Christ this year!!
- 20 in our Sunday School class attendance
- For each other. . .(sometimes we are too self-centered to be worth anything) :-)
- Outreach efforts
- Pastors and church leaders
- National leaders, elected officials, too
- God's power and presence

I hope that you all have a wonderful week in the service of the King of kings! Drop me an e-mail if you have a request to add or anything. mlsauvageot@hotmail.com is the address to use. The church e-mail site is experiencing some rather crude invasions right now for some reason we have not been able to figure out.

If you do not know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, it would be my highest privilege to share what He has done in my own life. What He has done for me, He will also do for you. Talk to me. Let me know when would be a good time to talk.

Monday, January 11, 2010

A New Year and New Goals!

It is always a challenge to start new. 2010 means goals that stretch us and bring us to a place of new commitment.

We spent two class periods viewing Zig Ziglar's video on setting goals, and it was a blessing to me. Our class is following Zig's steps in setting a goal for the new year of reaching 20 in attendance. This is a pretty big goal for us, but we are going to work towards it and pray towards it. I am typing up some of what we discussed in class last week so that we can each have a copy and so that we can work with this as a team.

Another thing that God has laid upon my heart is winning fifty people to Him in 2010. First I was convicted that my focus had not been what the Lord wanted, then He put this number on my heart. It is not a great number for Him. He is in the soul-saving business! It is a huge number compared with last year. So I am forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth to the things which are before. I am asking for prayer for God's presence, power, and leadership on my life and ministry for 2010. As you pray, please remember this.

"Redeeming the time because the days are evil."