Friday, January 30, 2009

How Time Flies!!

Can you believe that January is almost over? It will be over Saturday night at midnight. How are your resolutions progressing? Some have resolved to be more faithful in the year 2009, and I can see it happening. Some have purposed to make some changes in lifestyles and habits. Some are working at reaching out to more people with the Gospel. Some just want to not be so cantankerous. . .I had to throw one of my own in here :-). Well, what adjustments need to be made in order to see these resolutions become realities? I urge you to follow through.

New study in the book of Nehemiah begins Sunday! It would be great to have everyone in attendance. Good group last week even though some people have been sick. Come ready by reading ahead. Read at least the first chapter of the book of Nehemiah. If you want a bigger challenge read the entire book (only 13 chapters) each week during our study. Find out how the Bible gets better and better with each reading.

Be in prayer for one another. Sometimes we get discourages and, at other times, we find demonic attacks coming our way. Whatever might be your situation, or mine, it always helps to have a brother or sister in Christ really praying for you.

Wednesady night encouraged me as we got to meet Brother Freddie and Brother Jesse, two preachers from Arkansas. In fact, their enthusiasm was contagious. I hope that all in attendance have picked up some tracts and passed out some of these gold nuggets throughout the week. You never know what God will do with His Word, or a portion of it.

See you this Sunday! God best blessings on each of you.
Brother Mike

Sunday, January 25, 2009


If I were to ask, "Who has had the biggest impact on you as a Christian?" Who would you say? Maybe the better question, "Who is the best, real Christian you know?" Chances are that this person would not be known to the news media because they have not been world-wide evangelists, but are faithful, committed believers with a faith that has changed their lives and has also touched your life and others'.

Hebrews 11 reminds us that all of the faithful are not wealthy, bountiful, and beautiful. Some of the folks mentioned in the last few verses of the chapter endured great tribulation and privations, yet of these it is said, "Of whom the world was not worthy." That would make some epitaph. Let's ask God to allow us to be faithful to Him through the tough times.

Prayer Needs:
Brandi, Mary's daughter, has some spiritual needs right now.
Spence and Tammy
David's mother - tests on Tuesday
RU folks, and for a greater attendance
Heritage Academy - praying for more students
Missionaries' needs
Those who have been sick. . .Ethan, Moss family, Billy and Jean, Helen Smith's husband, Brenda, and others
Harold, Francis' brother, financial needs with the dairy farm
Outreach to be blessed

I do hope that you all have a good week in the Lord. Let's do what the preacher challenged us to do and lay aside every weight AND the sin that easily besets us so that we can perseveringly run the race for the Lord.

God bless you. See you Sunday if not before!

- You may want to be reading ahead as we will begin a study of the book of Nehemiah: "Building for the Lord" starting this next Sunday.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Faithful to Follow God's Plans

Joshua stands out in the OT as a beautiful picture of Christ. In fact they share the name Yeshua: Jehovah is salvation. This Sunday we will be studying his life and also the life of Rahab, whose life was transformed by faith in the Lord. I hope that you can join us for this study.

Keep praying for David Cook's mother. David and the family went down last weekend to check on her thinking she may have had a stroke. She has been under a lot of stress with her husband's illnesses. Anyway pray for this family in need. It was great to see Spence and Tammy's fiends in church last weekend! I hope that they will come again and maybe even involve themselves in our class fellowships in the new year. Pray for them. It's my turn to hold Jack when we see them again :-). Pray for our men who are needing work. Tom has started a new OTR trucking job, so that is a praise note. Terry is still looking for more work. Thank the Lord for His provision day by day. Pray for our missionaries. Get a prayer list and find out what they are battling right now. Some have health concerns, others safety concerns, and others are praying for help. The fields are white already to harvest, so let's pray for the Lord to send out laborers. Pray for the various ministries of the church. It is our privilege to reach and teach folks. Let's ask that God would grant a spirit of cooperation among us so that we might more effectively do the work He has for us to do. Remember Sunday morning Christianity is not what the Bible talks about. Salvation changes us, so we are different all week long.

I love ya and look forward to seeing you this Sunday morning at 9:45 for Sunday School. Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year!

Wow! 2009 is here. Can any of you remember in gradeschool trying to work out how old you would be in 2000? Well that has been almost ten years ago :-). God has blessed us in so many ways during the past year. I will thank Him for the pain as well as the pleasures. He is so good to us.

It is great to have anticipation and excitement. Sunday School brings me a lot of excitement. So many are getting involved and helping out in the new Sunday School program that I can't help but be thrilled. We are looking for new kids and adults every day. Keep on praying and talking it up.

Our study in faithfulness resumes this Sunday with the life of Joseph. He was faithful to the plan and purpose of God. He could not see the "good" in all his circumstances at the time, but he still trusted God. He still honored the Lord with his actions and words. After going through the tests, he looked back and saw the hand of God in all of it. This challenges me to faithfully serve the Lord day by day, and trust His wisdom and power to keep me effective for Him.

Are you ready to accomplish those resolutions? What kind of resolutions do you have? Some of mine are - journaling through the year in my devotion time; losing a few pounds; spending more time praying and less time griping; writing songs; using my time better; in-depth study of Nehemiah. . . There are more, too. Having goals is important. Zig Ziglar tells the story of famous archer, Howard Hill. Hill won 196 archery tournaments in succession. He also made short films of his archery feats such as shooting aspirins from the air and hunting elephants with his bow and arrow. What made Howard Hill so effective? He had a target. Without a target, you have no Howard Hill or Annie Oakley. We also need targets to focus our energy and help us to know the next step in life.

Be in prayer. Pray for the people and items on both our Sunday School list and church list. Prayer that touches Heaven makes all the difference here on earth. Prayer also makes a big difference in our relationships with others. You might be frustrated by someone you pray for, but you can't hate or seek to harm them.

God bless you in the new year as you draw near to Him.