Wednesday, May 19, 2010


MEMORY VERSE: Ephesians 6:7 With good will doing service as to the Lord, and not to men.

We have various spheres of influence in our lives. Our personal influence, our homes, our workplace, our friendships, and in America and other free countries, we have influence in our governmental circles, too. Our study today shows us how we can have a powerful influence for Christ in the workplace.

Ephesians 6:5-9 provides our text.

While the Bible uses terms such as servants and masters, we realize that the application can be made to employees and employers in our time. The truths that made the servant and master relationship work, will also help the employee - employer relationship. Here are some truths that stand out in this passage.

OBEDIENCE. . .at various levels. Elementary obedience has to be told to do everything. It is obedience, but very basic. The next step would be to do things without have to be told twice. Then, the bar is raised again. We are to do things without having to be told. Take some initiative and do what is the right thing to do. "It is always right to do right. . ."

LOYALTY. . .Staying true to the one for whom you work. Keeping your fishing line out of the water while you are working for someone. Being up-front and honest is vital in our working relationships. When people know they can count on us to stand behind them, we become a team that is hard to beat.

More to come. . ..

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Memory Verse for the week: Ephesians 5:21 "Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God."

I believe that one thing that makes many of the modern cults so appealing is their focus on helping homes be put right. NOT THAT THEY WILL or even can help with their teaching of error, but that is the way they advertise. People are so hurting in the family that they cannot ignore these enticements. We love our family, whether we get along with them or not. Our family can be one of the biggest attractions to Christ that there is. Let's find out what the book of Ephesians says about a Christ-centered home. Let us also ask God to work in our own marriages and families in such a way that we become much more attractive than the cults! AMEN and AMEN!

1. The KEYNOTES for our homes are SUBMISSION and REVERENCE FOR GOD; Ephesians 5:21
2. Cooperating with God's order is never demeaning; Eph. 5:22-24
3. Love as Christ loved the church; Eph.5:25-31
4. Children must learn obedience; Eph. 6:1-3
5. Dad's take a major role in your children's training; Eph. 6:4

* A home that witnesses for Christ is a home that starts with God, and is built around that basic relationship.
* The Biblical view of a wife and a husband, two for each other for life, must be followed in the Christian ranks.
* Loving our wives goes beyond the bedroom. . .way beyond into the level of self-sacrifice and service.
* Submission, ladies, means a willingness to allow God to control your life and to lead your husband in the way you should go as a family. It does not mean disobeying God for anyone. The best word on this is found in 1 Peter 3.
* Teaching our children obedience is teaching them to live in the fear of God which is the basis for their success in life. It forms the foundation for their happy homes.
* Living a Spirit-filled life shows up in the home.

Often in our Christian lives we learn the truths and even their applications, but fail to do anything about it. This third part of our lesson will provide steps of action for us to implement the doctrines we have learned this morning.
- ACTION STEP ONE: Examine your own life, and then inquire of your spouse or children as to what their relationship is with God. Not only saved, but walking in the fear of God and submitted to His plan and will for their lives.
- ACTION STEP THREE: Fellowship with other families who also love the Lord Jesus Christ so much it shows, it is obvious in the way they live.

Prayer Request:
Terry, heart condition
Brandi, spiritual needs, in the hospital too
Tammy's parents traveling and singing. . .PTL!
Mothers on this Mother's Day weekend and in the days ahead
Tammy will be singing for a wedding, May 23 in Atlanta
School year coming to an end.
Australian men as they travel here for the Singing School in July.
Church outreach and Saturday Class Outreach

Distributing fliers in our neighborhoods this Saturday. Meet at the church at 10. Come and join us! Prayer and a challenge at 10:00 AM. If you are unable to go out, we can also use some help in calling people on the phone or simply in praying for those who do go. There is something for everyone.

Monday, May 3, 2010


I apologize for the tardiness in posting. No excuse to give that will hold water when examined for more than 20 seconds, so I will just move on the the blogging. :-)

Yesterday I was blessed with the time we shared in Bible study. Had a new face in our group - John, glad you came. Also it was very nice to see Brandi "home" again. We are praying for you young lady.

Here is a brief outline of our study from the book of Ephesians:
Title: "We Have to Learn to Walk"
Memory Verse: Ephesians 4:1 I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called.

Five times in Ephesians, we find the word WALK which speaks of the living of our lives. Another word which is closely related to this idea is the word "conversation" which means manner of life.

1. We are to WALK WORTHY of the vocation wherewith we are called. In other words we are to live in such a way that brings honor to the One Who has called us out of darkness to salvation. Honor Him in our speech, our habits, our dress, or attitudes, etc. We will never be perfect in this earthly life, but this is our goal.

2. We are to WALK NOT AS OTHER GENTILES WALK IN THE VANITY OF THEIR MIND, as we find in Eph. 4:17. "Lean not unto thine own understanding" would be another Biblical way of saying this. Human reasoning is a poor substitute for the Word of God and the powerful, indwelling Holy Spirit.

3. WALK IN LOVE. Eph. 5:2 Three words from the Greek are translated love in English. EROS is a word which stands for sexual love, but it is not found in the Scriptures, and it is the least of the three. PHILEO is the word which means brotherly love, kindnesses shown to others, a proper spirit to display between us and other people. "Let brotherly love continue." The third word, found almost exclusively in the New Testament, is the word AGAPE or AGAPAO and this word refers to the UNSELFISH LOVE demonstrated to us by God at Calvary. This is the love that is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit and should be then expressed to those who are around us. It is self-sacrificing and self-denying as we see in the last few verses of Ephesians 5 where husbands are commanded to love their wives as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it.

4. WALK AS CHILDREN OF LIGHT - Eph. 5:8 A very good commentary on this passage is found in 1 John chapter one which speaks of walking in the light as God is in the light. When we walk in the light we have fellowship with God and real joy as a Christian. Of course this is only for believers. We must first come to the Lord, Who is light, before we can walk in the light with Him. God's Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path, so to walk int he light I must be walking in obedience to the Word of God as well.

5. WALK CIRCUMSPECTLY - Eph. 5:15 Generally speaking this refers to being aware of our surroundings, aware of what is going on in our world. We should be aware of our inner world, the real us, and how our relationship is going with God and others. We should be aware of our family world. It is so important to have these relationships right as well. We should be aware of our church world. Give effort to making a contribution in the work of the Lord through your local church in time, effort, and money. We ought to also be wisely aware of what is going on in the world around us. The time is drawing near for the second coming of Christ. Look at the signs of the times. Prepare your own heart and life and join in the great harvest God has going on right now. He is at work calling people to salvation and desires for y ou to join Him in this great calling. Become a laborer together with Him.

BASED UPON THESE TRUTHS, let us take some action steps.

* Determine a way TODAY that you can live your life closer to God than you did yesterday. (reading your Bible, prayer, obeying God as He speaks to you, witnessing to someone of the way God has changed your life. . .)
* Actuate a plan to learn more about the Lord Jesus Christ.
* Make a definite step to show someone the love of Jesus today in some practical way.
* Read your Bible daily and read the news or watch the news with the Bible and Bible prophecy in mind. See if there is something that stand out to you concerning the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Wow that is a pretty beefy blog! LOL

Do not forget that we are having a Sunday School cookout this weekend. All adult classes are invited. We are planning to have some games, too. Pray for decent weather. Bring your own meat and a side dish. ALSO, bring a friend or two (friends do not need to bring anything but themselves unless they want to). We are starting at 6 PM on Saturday, May 8.

PRAYER LIST - Kit Stafford, has cancer; Jennie, cancer; Terry, heart valve problem; David's parents health and well being as they are facing lingering health concerns; all those involved in the Gum Tree 10 k race (Brother Mike and Brenda); Brandi, for God's leadership in her life and she is facing some challenges this week as she seeks to make some things right with others;

God bless you! Have an awesome week.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Good Time Yesterday!!!

Yesterday was a great day in our Sunday School class. A soccer tournament brought in Teresa from Columbus along with her daughter Justine. They fit right in and I hope that they felt at home. It was also good to have David ans Suzanne back after a couple of weekends on the road and visiting family.

Remember this week to pray for each other: wisdom, revelation, and experiential knowledge of our Lord and His Word is what all of us need. Also be reading the book of Ephesians for preparation for next Sunday.

PRAY - lots of people for whom to pray
* pray for the family of the young lady who passed away with the H1N1 virus that Teresa mentioned (four little ones without a Mama, and a dad without his wife)
* pray for Frances as she returns to us this week, safety on the road
* pray for upcoming events. . .especially for the Prophecy Conference coming with Brother Kelly
* pray for Brandi. . .she has left town and needs the Lord to get her attention
* pray for our church ministries and personnel
* pray for new R U workers and outreach
* pray as we make the switch to the online version of Switched On Schoolhouse later this week
* pray for one another

Stop and take a lot of time to praise the Lord as well. He is certainly worthy of all of our praise.

We are sending out invitations to several prospects from our RU program so they will know about our Sunday School. It would be great to be able to round up some new people that can be added to our class, and join us in Bible study, prayer, and fellowship.

CLASS FELLOWSHIP & COOK-OUT is coming up in the early part of May. More details to come!

Y'all have a wonderful week serving the Lord and let's work at doubling our contacts for visitors to our class this week. God bless!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Ok, there is no cause for excitement except that spring is around the corner! SOon the flowers will be budding and blooming. Bees will be buzzing around and doing their jobs. People will be able to be out and about. AND, outreach will be easier on us in the warmer weather.

Several events are coming up:
Ladies' Meeting - March 27 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Youth Rally - April 10th here at Wildwood
Prophecy Conference - April 11-14 with Brother Dave Kelly
Class Outreach Project - April 17th 10:00 AM
R U starting back up - first Friday in April
Next class PARTY - May 15 (tentatively) Cookout and fellowship

That is a lot of stuff that is looking at us in the next few weeks. Try to make each one and get a blessing for you and your family.

Our class study has been in Ephesians 1 for the last couple of weeks. We will be studying Paul's prayer in this chapter Sunday morning and invite all to join us.

Be in prayer for each other, for various church ministries, and for revival in our hearts. Why is it so easy to get complacent? Just to get to a place where we don't care enough probably damages more churches and people's lives than we can realize! Ask God to touch your heart and make it tender again for His sake. Pray for Francis as she travels down to south MS this weekend. Pray for workers for our Reformer's Unanimous ministry. Pray for our parents' health and strength. Pray for Heritage Academy - enrollment and plans for the Fall. Pray for your pastors and teachers as we seek to enroll others in service for the Lord. There are many service opportunities and not nearly enough workers. Those who are helping get tired and sometimes get crossways. Ask God to grant a spirit of refreshing and cooperation as we seek to build a team to serve Him here in Tupelo.

Love ya! I am praying for you this week.

P.S. Special activity this Sunday morning, so be in your place and ready. :-)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Coming up this weekend - Dr. Arv Edgeworth will be with us this Sunday for CREATION SUNDAY. I am excited about the messages he will be bringing to us as he demonstrates the truth of Scripture through Science. You will want to bring your friends and family to both morning and evening services. Our Sunday School class will be joining the Auditorium Class with Dr. Edgeworth at 9:45.

BIBLE STUDY - Keep reading and studying in the book of Ephesians to prepare for the upcoming weeks.

FELLOWSHIP - February 27th, we will be having a class fellowship at the house. It starts at 6:00 PM. Bring a friend with ya! Finger foods, chips, sandwiches and such are on the menu. We will also be welcoming new members. If you have anyone who is interested in joining our Bible Study, invite them and we will "sign them up".

PRAYER - Our weekly requests are still be uplifted faithfully. Also be praying for at least three new helpers for Reformers Unanimous. Pray for souls to be saved during the week as God grants us opportunities to share His love with others. We are still praying for God to grant us a few more students at Heritage Academy, too. (His students in His time.) Be praying for our class goal of twenty in attendance. Each Wednesday night a new prayer list is passed out at the church's weekly prayer meeting. If you have not been in the habit of attending the weekly church mid-week service, I invite you to join us Wednesday nights at 7:00 PM.

TESTIMONY - Asking God to make you soul conscious will let you look at people with new eyes. Pray for a man that I was able to speak with Tuesday. His wife broke her ankle and that had caused them to miss going to Florida. He is 82 years young, does not like the cold weather, and needs the Lord, too. He was wearing a hat like the ones David had asked me about and that is what I used as an "excuse" to begin the conversation. May the Lord open our eyes more and more to the needs of people all around us.

Have a great week!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Blessings in Christ

Great time last week! Some missed it. . .for good reasons and for not so good reasons. I am still convinced, even after the Saints won the Super Bowl, that God's house is better than football. God's Word is better than Chris Bermann. When will we fall on our faces before God and love Him Who first loved us?

:-) That was a good preaching tidbit.

I do want to remind everyone of the Family Valentine Banquet this Saturday at 6:30 PM. Tickets are on sale right now for $5.00. Bring a friend with you. I am working on some folks to bring, too.

Next week we will finish our look at the passage in Ephesians 1 concerning the spiritual blessings which we have in Jesus Christ.

- Job for Terry Herndon
- Suzanne's niece had a baby last week
- Fraces' cousin passed away. Be in prayer for the family.
- Harold and Joanne are going to see a lawyer this Thursday and asked for prayer.
- Alex, a young man who was saved last week.
- All those we are inviting to come Saturday and Sunday.
- Spence's mother, and he is doing some pharmacy training right now.
- All of our parents for continued strength and grace to cope with age-related issues.
- All of our church ministries. . .especially our outreach.
- Several unspoken requests.

Maybe you have a Bible question and would like for it to be answered or discussed in class. Let me know what your question is and we will try to bring up one of these questions each Sunday morning. You can e-mail your questions to


Monday, February 1, 2010


Happy February! It is Sweetheart month, so follow through with those plans to demonstrate your love. Remember Who loves you most. God's love is UNCONDITIONAL. God's love is INESCAPABLE. God's love is INEXHAUSTIBLE. God's love is UNDENIABLE. God's love is INCOMPREHENSIBLE. God's love is INFINITE. God's love is INSPIRING. We could go on. In fact, when you add a comment, add to this list of Biblical explanations of the love of God.

We are on the verge of great things in Sunday School. Our class has set a goal for the new year of reaching 20 in attendance. Which means that we need to double our class attendance this year. So we are beginning this coming Sunday with a series of studies to help us learn the truths we need in order to help us reach this goal. Be in prayer as we uncover these principles to grow by.

Good time yesterday! Finished up our study in the Book of Acts with a lesson entitled THE UNFINISHED STORY. Looking forward to seeing how God will continue His work through us in Tupelo, MS and add a chapter, so to speak, to this unfinished story. I am not saying that the Book of Acts is not complete as it is. . .IT IS PERFECT AND FINISHED. I am saying that the way it ends forces me to believe that God's work is not done and He still wants us to be GOING, PREACHING, BAPTIZING, and TEACHING. Exciting to think about.

Be in prayer - Bro. Terry had a friend to pass away last week. She had been a teacher for many years and left some big tracks. Pray for her family in Hamilton, AL and also pray for someone to take up the torch she has passed and continue the witness she has begun.

Be in prayer - Francis mentioned a friend who has cancer.

Tammy's cousin also has cancer.

Mable and Daniel Moody are having health problems and need special prayer and cards and letters.

Rhonda - job search; Include Terry in this, too. He will be going for an interview on Monday.

Terry's brother Ray needs pray for a family matter.

Mary will be in Jackson this week for some meetings. . .also her family needs prayer, too.

Be in prayer for our Family Valentine's Banquet upcoming on February 13th. We want to have a great turnout.

CREATION SUNDAY!! February 21st. And also our Monday morning Youth Rally with Dr. Edgeworth. Lots of folks have said that they would like to come. Pray for good attendance this Sunday.

UNSPOKEN; prayer for me as the Lord leads you. . .special needs right now

As you can see our prayer requests also are announcements! ONE not mentioned there is our Sunday School class fellowship. We will meet at the Sauvageot's home February 27th at 6:00 PM. Put it on your calendar. More details to come :-)


May your week be exciting as you see God's hand working. Bless you! Praying for you today.
- Mike

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I am so glad for Sunday School. Before you had all of the other discipling ministries, there was Sunday School. And Sunday School has endured. Yes, we do some other things here at Wildwood. We have opportunities for discipleship with RU. We have the most intense discipleship program called Heritage Academy. We have our Men's Prayer Fellowship each month. Sunday School really beats them all as an all-around discipleship program. All-ages, solid Bible teaching, fellowship, etc. in our Sunday School. If you have not been in attendance recently, make the effort to come and be with us at 9:45 this Sunday morning. I believe you will be glad you did.

Our study in the Book of Acts is coming to a close. Hold on to your seat because we are diving right in with another group of lessons that focus on the principles of growing a Sunday School class. These will be a blessing and a help to each of us as we seek to be better witnesses for the Lord in 2010.

1. Chili Cook-off is coming up this Sunday night. We want to work at bringing family and friends to this time of fellowship. It is also an opportunity for lost folks to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.
2. Family Valentine Banquet. (February 13; 6:30 PM) TICKETS are $5.00 per person. Another witnessing opportunity. :-)
3. RU has been on vacation for the last few weeks, but will start back on the first Saturday in February. Others have found this program to be helpful to their Christian growth, and its regimented program might be something that could help you grow as a Christian, too. It starts each night at 7:00 PM. Be in prayer for this ministry.

- Harold and Joanne need special prayer this week for their business situation
- Ray Herndon and family
- Tammy's cousin with cancer
- People in Haiti who need the Lord
- Spence will be taking a test soon at work
- All of our church ministries. . . if you are not involved in serving the Lord through a ministry of Wildwood, pray about where the Lord would have you to serve Him.
- 50 souls to come to Christ this year!!
- 20 in our Sunday School class attendance
- For each other. . .(sometimes we are too self-centered to be worth anything) :-)
- Outreach efforts
- Pastors and church leaders
- National leaders, elected officials, too
- God's power and presence

I hope that you all have a wonderful week in the service of the King of kings! Drop me an e-mail if you have a request to add or anything. is the address to use. The church e-mail site is experiencing some rather crude invasions right now for some reason we have not been able to figure out.

If you do not know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, it would be my highest privilege to share what He has done in my own life. What He has done for me, He will also do for you. Talk to me. Let me know when would be a good time to talk.

Monday, January 11, 2010

A New Year and New Goals!

It is always a challenge to start new. 2010 means goals that stretch us and bring us to a place of new commitment.

We spent two class periods viewing Zig Ziglar's video on setting goals, and it was a blessing to me. Our class is following Zig's steps in setting a goal for the new year of reaching 20 in attendance. This is a pretty big goal for us, but we are going to work towards it and pray towards it. I am typing up some of what we discussed in class last week so that we can each have a copy and so that we can work with this as a team.

Another thing that God has laid upon my heart is winning fifty people to Him in 2010. First I was convicted that my focus had not been what the Lord wanted, then He put this number on my heart. It is not a great number for Him. He is in the soul-saving business! It is a huge number compared with last year. So I am forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth to the things which are before. I am asking for prayer for God's presence, power, and leadership on my life and ministry for 2010. As you pray, please remember this.

"Redeeming the time because the days are evil."